Years ago, I used to do a lot of tabletop RPG gaming. I played almost every weekend for probably about 15 years from the time I joined my first real D&D group as part of a high school club in 1986 (yes, exactly like in Stranger Things), until I moved to Montreal in 2001 to become a professional videogame developer and was separated from my longtime gaming groups.
Over the years we tried many different games and systems. Starting from the original red box D&D basic set that I learned on, then moving to AD&D, Top Secret, Gamma World, Paranoia, Traveller, GURPS, and a weird but delightful science-fiction game made by a friend called EXP, and certainly some others that I have since forgotten.
This story gets a lot more complex and interesting in ways I'll discuss soon, but to get to the point - when COVID landed, I reached back out to my old gaming group, and we started playing again online. Over the course of the last 2+ years we've played most weekends using Zoom and Miro and other online tools to facilitate play. It's been a blast, and honestly, in some ways the pandemic has probably been a net positive for me thanks to that.
Recently, in looking for adventure materials, I started to come across of a lot of one page dungeons - which I find interesting and convenient. Soon, a search for one page dungeons led me to the One Page Dungeon Contest website, where they have been running an annual contest for the past 13 years! So I decided to enter.
I designed a dungeon, playtested it a couple of times, and submitted it a couple weeks ago. Since the contest is still open, I'm not going to share my dungeon yet - but you can at least read the blurb on the submission page. Mine is titled The Fantastical Folding Fortress of Jaffee the Mad! Also - you still have a few days before the contest closes, and there is no better way to get your hands on a pile of new content for your players than submitting an entry - as I understand it, all entrants will receive a copy of compendium that includes all the submissions - which I am very much looking forward to.
Once the contest is finished, I'll share my dungeon here as well, and I'll probably also include the pre-generated characters I made for my playtesters to use while testing it for me. Perhaps along with a few other surprises...
cool, looking forward to it!
Posted by: Max Clark | August 15, 2022 at 01:34 PM
I'm one of the author's in the 2022 opdc (didn't win anything, still trying to bear up under the shame ;-) but I was hoping to join the discussion.
I was hoping to join the discussion on this, but I can't create an account.
Posted by: John | October 06, 2022 at 06:53 PM