So the 'lecture' part of the 'lecture tour' doesn't start until tomorrow but the 'tour' part started late last night with a phonecall from US Airways (all the way to Montreal from Raleigh, NC) saying that my 9:30am flight would be delayed until 11:10.
That all changed of course with a 6:30 am call saying the 9:30 flight that had been pushed to 11:10 was now jumping forward to 10:40.
Of course, once we got to the airport everything changed again and we didn;t even get off the ground until well after noon and any hope of a pleasant day in wandering Philadelphia was delayed even further by a nasty headwind that made a 90 minute flight last almost a full two hours and - with renting a car and all that shit didn't get us into town until like 3pm.
We wandered the touristy center of town, saw the Liberty Bell and then strolled through intermittent rains down to South Street. The highlight of the day was an awesome dinner at a place called Farmicia, which is an organic, local food restaurant that I actually got to be the founder of on Gowalla. Shame on you Philadephians for not founding it yourselves. Fantastic food, healthy, innovative with fresh, organic local and seasonal ingredients. A real winner. I'd come back to town just to eat there again.
Anyway - unfortunately, GameX is not even really in Philly - it's in some suburb like 30 minutes out of town... which kind of sucks (hopefully they'll remedy that for next year). So now I am back at the hotel doing a final, final (final) FINAL pass on my talk for tomorrow. Anyway, with the messed up sleep I haven;t been getting in the last three weeks - a good long nights rest before my keynote is just what the doctor ordered.
The key to avoiding frustration is having lowered expectations, or so says Seneca. Anyway, looking forward to your talk in Savannah.
Posted by: Mitul | October 25, 2009 at 07:00 PM
"Anyway - unfortunately, GameX is not even really in Philly - it's in some suburb like 30 minutes out of town... which kind of sucks (hopefully they'll remedy that for next year)."
Heh, I live in that "some suburb" so the convention location was actually very convenient for me. However, one of the guys on the GameX steering committee told me it would be in center city next year, so it should be much easier to get to for all those visiting Philly.
Btw, enjoyed your keynote. The points on immersion were very interesting. Also interesting was the discussion on how (I'm paraphrasing) the future is a moving target and you need to continually update your conceptions on how things could and will turn out.
Posted by: Jason S | October 27, 2009 at 02:59 PM