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September 07, 2009


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I like the new style. The banner needs a bit of touching up it looks like though :S Good luck with the rest of the overhaul

Hmmm, earthy tones and clean lines... could it be? Were you inspired by a certain other blog? *cough*mine*cough* =P

What is with the Capital 6 theme? That shit went out with the Ford Administration.

What's next - feathered hair? Hush Puppies? Seals and Croft?

A little more contrast between the text and the background would be nice... but more contrast between the background and the red-ish link color would be a godsend -- I find the non-bolded link text (like under 'recent posts', 'design materials', 'interesting places', etc.) requires me to read slower than normal.

Looks much nicer, more professional and cleaner.

Definitely agree with Sean Barrett's comment regarding color contrast. Maybe everything boldface? idk...but I'll have to paste articles into notepad with the current set-up :P

Thanks for the feedback guys. I'll revist the colors and tweak them to push the BG and text browns further from one another. Other minor tweaks coming every couple of days.

There - I made some tweaks to the palette for the blog. Feels much more readable to me. Let me know if it's still too hard too read.

The color change is definitely a step in the right direction, and the banner looks crisp as hell now.

Now I'm just coming back every few days to see if you've announced that you're working on a game that takes place in the 70s. Because that's what I've been praying for every day since you did this reformat :P

Really loving your blog. keep it up.

Also liking the colour scheme. really 'look around you'

I like your site and commend you on registering your domain and all, but I've found that (that is without the "www") doesn't redirect here. Instead, it takes me to a GoDaddy parking page.

I'm pretty sure you can enable to redirect to It's just a switch that needs to be flipped in your domain settings.

Your friendly neighbourhood domain whiner,

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