So I am finally posting the slides and other presentation matertials for my Generations talk.
The talk is about the current shift in player demographics taking place in population of gamers and game developers.
I originally gave the talk in Vancouver as a Keynote to Vancouver Film School's Game Design Expo back in the beginning of Febraury.
I also gave the talk to the IGDA Chapter here in Montreal at the beginning of March. The IGDA Montreal Chapter has a write-up of the talk here (thanks Caroline), and they're also linking a full video of the entire talk, here - it's actually hosted on Motionbox, here.
For those who don't know, I have been laid up with a herniated disk in my lower back for the past month. I was supposed to be going down to GDx in Savannah a couple weeks ago to give the talk there as well, but my injury regretably prevented the travel. Thankfully with the slides, text and now a full video, anybody can see the presentation at their own leisure.
One final note for you number crunchers out there: the talk presents - in rapid-fire format - a lot of graphs based on data pulled down from the US Census Bureau which I harvested here and then aggregated. I have included in the ZIP file all of my datafiles and the graphs that were generated from them. The data is included as notepad files, whcih were then imported into excel to make the XLS file.
Awesome! Thanks so much for sharing this. I had really hoped to see it at GDX but certainly understand why you couldn't make it (ouch).
The seminar that replaced yours was a fairly dry rehash of basic level design at Epic, so I'm glad to finally get a look at your more interesting research.
Here's hoping you get better soon.
Posted by: Seth | April 30, 2009 at 02:56 PM
This is just too weird a coincidence to pass up.
Posted by: Will Kerslake | April 30, 2009 at 07:13 PM
God damn, that's awful about your back. Hope it's on the mend.
Thanks for sharing these slides. I missed the VFS talk, good to see what was discussed.
Posted by: Nels Anderson | April 30, 2009 at 10:46 PM
As always, your presentation packages are impeccable. Thanks for posting these.
Sorry to hear about your back troubles. When I heard your NYU talk was canceled, I assumed it was swine flu or latent malaria.
Posted by: C.J. | May 03, 2009 at 06:05 PM
Just wanted to say this was a really interesting discussion of the generational makeup of game developers and players.
Posted by: Jason Seip | June 23, 2009 at 11:00 AM