A hundred and fifty years ago that was the name for the event of being carried off to Shanghai, but instead of salty South Seas pirates abducting me, I'm doing it in style thanks to the fine people at Japan Airlines.
I did 3 short days in Sydney out of the Ubisoft office there, doing a theatre presentation to press, community and some buyers, then hopped up to the Gold Coast (the only picture I got) to do a stage demo (plus a few demos on the floor) at the EB Games retailer show there. Ben Mattes (Producer on PoP) and I each did a short presentation in a big theatre there for all the store managers. I was on right after Cliff Blezinski demoed Gears 2. Didn't have long to chat with him, I guess he is flying around all over the world just like we are.
Once again, people in Australia seemed pretty floored by the game, and while we were there our first Australian review hit the news stands - it was also our first 10/10, from PC Power Play Magazine. Sweet.
The Ubi Australia crew took good care of us and Sydney is a beautiful city, and while I didn't get to see a lot of it I really liked what I did see. It's clean, the air is fresh, the people are friendly, and the food was really good. I did get to see the Sydney Harbor Bridge and the Opera House, but only at night, and I didn't get any pictures. No time to hit Bondi Beach (LP made it down there one morning when he couldn't sleep though).
Anyway, I'm in Shanghai now... wanted to get my Aussie trip blogged before I throw up pix and stories from here... we have the weekend off, and we've just spent all day wandering the city.
It's nuts. More to come.
Enjoy my city! Eat loads -- it's the best part.
Any (public) events going on?
Posted by: Graeme | October 18, 2008 at 05:13 AM
Just got into Brisbane for a week and saw the PC Power Play Magazine review in the shops today, congrats! Certainly getting the review crowd to sit up and pay attention.
Posted by: James Everett | October 19, 2008 at 02:57 AM
Glad you enjoyed your stop in Sydney! (My city ^_^) Come back some time, and let us know in advance, so all your fans can come say Hi.
Posted by: Ben Abraham | October 20, 2008 at 10:51 AM
Congratulations on the release of Far Cry 2! I'm looking forward to playing with fire and simulated savanah sunsets.
Posted by: C.J. Kershner | October 21, 2008 at 04:09 PM
hi! my name is Melike
I live in Turkey
Your god blog
bai bai..
Posted by: royalrojana | October 25, 2008 at 04:46 PM
Hey, you got to see Aus! Awesome. It's a very nice country.
Far Cry 2 in hands (well, in console) and it's easily one of the best games I've ever played. And I've played a lot. =D
Congratulations! Enjoy your holiday!
Posted by: William Erasmus | October 26, 2008 at 09:06 AM
Congratulations on the best FPS of 08!
I am 14 hours, 26 minutes and 24 seconds and 27% into the PC version (and yes, I love that statistics screen) and I am in love with it!
It is not perfect (like any game ever is), so I hope upcoming patches are going to improve it even more..
altough I guess leaning, prone and gameplay improvements like that are out of the question : /. But still, so far it is the best game I have played this year (yes, better than Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed and Stalker CS).
Posted by: Paul | October 26, 2008 at 10:24 AM