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« Urgh... wtf... what time is it? Africa, safari, TGS, Aus and now we're GOLD | Main | Tough Love »

October 18, 2008


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Enjoy my city! Eat loads -- it's the best part.

Any (public) events going on?

Just got into Brisbane for a week and saw the PC Power Play Magazine review in the shops today, congrats! Certainly getting the review crowd to sit up and pay attention.

Glad you enjoyed your stop in Sydney! (My city ^_^) Come back some time, and let us know in advance, so all your fans can come say Hi.

Congratulations on the release of Far Cry 2! I'm looking forward to playing with fire and simulated savanah sunsets.

hi! my name is Melike
I live in Turkey
Your god blog
bai bai..

Hey, you got to see Aus! Awesome. It's a very nice country.

Far Cry 2 in hands (well, in console) and it's easily one of the best games I've ever played. And I've played a lot. =D

Congratulations! Enjoy your holiday!

Congratulations on the best FPS of 08!

I am 14 hours, 26 minutes and 24 seconds and 27% into the PC version (and yes, I love that statistics screen) and I am in love with it!
It is not perfect (like any game ever is), so I hope upcoming patches are going to improve it even more..

altough I guess leaning, prone and gameplay improvements like that are out of the question : /. But still, so far it is the best game I have played this year (yes, better than Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed and Stalker CS).

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