This amusing story of how Minesweeper was updated for Vista floated across my desk the other day. The post is a year old now, but worth a read. With all the effort we expend trying to expand our audience beyond the rather easy-to-please domain of teenage boys and young men, I wonder how much we consider what would happen if our games we played by hundreds of millions instead of millions.
Minesweeper has that level of reach, and unfortunately for MS, among their hundreds of millions of players, are many who have to deal with landmines in their everyday lives. Sure seems to make things complicated and messy.
Haha! It never occured to me that these issues would arise when dealing with such a universal product. Perhaps they should rename it as Garden Sweeper, and you're hunting for hidden weeds instead?
Posted by: William Erasmus | September 30, 2007 at 01:54 AM