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September 02, 2007


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Hey, chief. Thanks for helping to get the word out. I think a few of your loyal readers made it down to the talk. If that group happens to include the guy who visibly slipped into slack-jawed catatonia while sitting bolt upright dead-center in the middle of Ballroom B, all I can say is: I really hope it was from the brisket combo-plate at Ironworks. If it wasn't, I can only offer my sincerest apologies. I promise to do better next time, dude.
Jokes aside, it was a great group. I got some solid questions from folks both right after and during the remaining days of the conference. I strongly encourage anyone who's interested in tackling the big narrative problems in games to get themselves down to Austin at least once for this event. Hopefully the momentum will start to build.
Clint, did you say you're going to be making an appearance at Spector's class at UT at some point?

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