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May 03, 2007


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Wow, what a hassle. Glad it worked out in the end.

If you are after some easy points, many of the retro title are as easy as frogger, or easier, to nab 150+ points on. Pac man, Ms P, Digdug, Galaga, Time Pilot, to name a few.

Ive had alot of problems with computers and gaming systems over the years, and I can assure you the treatment you received was not because of your status in the gaming world. Every time I have a problem thats more serious than a simple tech support type thing I now immediately ask them to escalate it. Ussually the lower level customer service people just read out whatever the 'troubleshooting' section on the website says, but the supervisors can actually get shit done.

So feel no guilt for letting them know your job title and such... while it may have impressed them and made them happier to help you, they still followed the same protocal they would have with anyone unsatisfied with their customer service.

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